Monday, December 20, 2010


No drumroll, no need to wonder how dinner with CB went.  He bailed.  I got a text that said he might have to apre.  The snow was to good. 
Like using the French term for gotta stay and party and booze it up is going to lessen the blow that he's blowing me off.
(The actual meaning is: Après-ski (French: after skiing) refers to going out, having drinks, dancing, and generally socializing after skiing. It is popular in the Alps, where skiers often stop at bars on their last run of the day while still wearing all their ski gear. The concept is similar to the nineteenth hole in golf. This can also happen anywhere in the world where there is snow. In the United States, the term is used more broadly to describe the atmosphere of ski resorts and ski culture, ski themed architecture and decor, and the ski oriented lifestyle in general.)

So I sent him a text back that said "I figured so, have fun. Well I was excited to see you. Have a blast in the snow and happy holidays. Ciao."

I'm hoping that came across as a polite Go Fuck Yourself.  With some Italian mixed in there for good measure. 

I got an immediate response back that said that his friend wrecked his car and they have to wait for his wife to get done.  I didn't respond back.

Yes, I'm highly dissapointed and hurt.  Not that I really expected to see him tonight.  I just really really hoped I would.  Actually more than hoped. 

Is it Saturday yet?

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