Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas, Christmas!!

I am ANXIOUSLY counting days till Monday since there is so much to look forward to next week. 
First of all - CB IS COMING TO TOWN!!  Okay, well, he's skiing in Vail and will hopefully be able to get back Monday night for dinner.  I almost cried when he sent me the text of "I miss you!" after we talked.  Cross your fingers for good driving weather and that the tunnel isn't backed up for three hours!!!

Wednesday I'm having happy hour with my friend who broke up with me a few months back...remember that one? 

Cornell has been randomly texting about really nothing off and on.  Yesterday he sent me a text that said he was sorry we haven't been able to catch up, he just needed some down time.  I don't get this one.  I haven't bothered to initiate texts, but I'm not rude and just not returning them.  Something about this one has got me intrigued.  Probably because there isn't much else to occupy my time.

I also disabled my Facebook account.  HUGE for me. 

Next Saturday, yes, Christmas morning I jump on a plane for a 7 hour flight back home to Hawaii.  I cannot wait to feel those trade winds, feel sand between my toes, hear the ocean, smell the salt in the air and see my family and friends...ESPECIALLY my niece and nephew...oh how I've missed them!!!

OH - I do have a date to tell about!!  I met this guy at the Rio the other night and having 4 Rio margies (the limit is actually 3...) I thought he was cute and gave him my number.  We went out and there was no spark.  He actually told me he didn't have any cool clothes until last year when he dated this girl that worked at the Buckle.  It was my understanding that only high school girls worked at the Buckle...anyway - I manipulated the entire conversation because I was bored, I thought I came off horrible and figured that I wouldn't be hearing from him again.  Don't get me wrong, he was a really nice guy, but young.  I didn't get an exact age and I know that I keep saying I need a nice guy, but I'd like one around my own age...or at least in the same age bracket. 
Anyway, I did hear from him the next day.  SIGH.  He said he had a great time (WHAT??) and asked if I was doing something on Friday.  I texted him back and said I had plans the whole weekend.  Not 5 minutes later he was asking me if I wanted to go to Vegas the next weekend...WHAT!?!?!?  Okay, I'm all for spontaneous trips - but with people that I know!!
I texted him back and very nicely and politely said thank you for the offer but it wasn't a good idea and that thank you for a really nice dinner, but we probably shouldn't do it again. 
I wanted to be nice, but totally up front.  I hate when a guy doesn't want to see me again and makes up some bullshit excuse as to why and you know its a bullshit excuse and you just wish they'd be honest with you.  I mean it sucks to say, but if you tell someone that you don't want to see them again it saves everyone time and energy.  No one can get overly mad at you if you were honest with them.  So, hopefully, dating Karma will come back to me. 

I read this really cool blog by a girl who lives here in Denver and she posted Break-Up Etiquette 101.  I think these are some fabulous rules to keep in your back pocket:
Break - Up Etiquette 101.  I hope she doesn't mind me using her link!!!

The Top 5 Break-Up Rules
1.  NEVER EVER use the line, “It’s not you, it’s me.” 
2.  Yes, it’s really OK (and highly appropriate) to kick the ex off Facebook.
3.  Don’t drop off the face of someone’s planet if you are “in a relationship.”  If you want to call it off, look at that person face to face.  Have the respect for each other to honestly talk and express feelings.  Don’t avoid phone calls all together!  Give each other an equal say.  And if you’ve only been out on a few dates, AT LEAST text the person the “old fashioned way” and explain you’re done.  Give someone the courtesy of knowing you’ve moved on…even if you’ve moved on to NO ONE…or some random person the night before.  Remember, karma’s a bitch…and you don’t want that riding your tail the rest of your dating career.
4.  Don’t steal your ex’s friends…“Go get your own damn friends!”  
5.  And finally…after breaking up with someone, don’t call or text asking to get some “late night booty.”  

I highly recommend that you read the entire post.  Its pretty awesome.

Anyway.  Hopefully I'll have a great post on Tuesday.  Fingers crossed everyone.  Seeing CB Monday night is going to be worth dealing with Tuesday... 



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