I wonder if Josh McDaniels or Kyle Orton even went home that night or stayed in some random hotel checked in under a pseudo name because he was afraid of a lynching...
Walking out of that stadium was depressing and not the least bit fun...in fact, as I put it to Nat - we did the Mile High Walk of Shame.
On another note as we back up to last Thursday...I went to happy hour with Sarah. We started off looking for a Cheerleader costume for her for my birthday party. It took us a total of 20 minutes to give up on that search and head to Wash Park Tavern to start on cocktails...and an hour later, bored to tears with the atmosphere and food, I begged her to move onto Max's...
We proceeded to get very drunk - not on purpose...sometimes that just happens. Especially when the hot bartender brings over shots. (Bad Idea).
Cornell was having their get together that night and had taken over my favorite back area of Max's but that was OK, since a few of them headed to the front bar where we were at anyway. I took some guys name tag. We got invited to sit with a bunch of them where I proceeded to drunkenly (very might I add) argue Profit vs. Non Profit companies with one of them. The argument started by discussing Boulder people and how I love it when Non Profit people walk up to you and try to discuss how For Profit companies are evil (basically in those terms but not exactly), and how I love to tell them that I am a total For Profit employee and you can't persuade me to be otherwise. The guy sitting on my right side got the venom part of my argument.
Basically I stated, Non Profits could not exist without companies such as the one I work for - I'm proud to say we're For Profit. I'm not sure how the argument progressed but I told him without the money from people who work for For Profit companies donating to Non Profit companies, Non Profits couldn't exist so he should just shut up and go back to Boulder.
I was probably slurring every syllable.
I ended up talking to the guy on my left who from what I vaguely remember was kinda boring but kinda cute. I must have amused him or something because he got my number and gave me his card.
He waited 3 days to call me...so the 3 day rule MUST still be in effect for some guys. It was a very dry conversation, but he did ask me to dinner and of course, who am I to turn dinner down with a very successful and educated guy who isn't bad looking but definitely needs to do something with his hair. (I know this because true to form, Friday morning I was at my computer "Sherlock Holms-ing" him. After reading his LinkedIn profile, I'm wondering what on earth this guy saw in my intoxicated red and pink low lited haired self. Especially since he's more into Soccer than football...
I did learn last night that he's a skier and snowboarder and pretty good at both. Which impressed me but after our conversation last night I don't think we have anything in common. I'm going out with him Wednesday night.
Oh, and while on the subject of dates, Alex, the guy I met at the Fat Tire festival is FINALLY taking me out Tuesday night. Crab Legs and Sangria. Sweet!!!
Tonight is dinner with Melissa. Friday night pumpkin carving at Nats and I'm still not sure what on earth we're doing for Halloween.
OH, back to the subject of the pink and red low lites...I got them done on Wednesday. I love love love it. I shocked the HELL out of everyone in my office. My boss said he liked it and it was Pizazz. It was quite funny to get their reactions in the office. I wanted one more reaction. I called CB. Yep, even after I asked him to leave me alone. I missed him. A LOT and there was no one I wanted to tell more about the new hair.
He answered his phone before the first ring was finished (I can't tell you how THRILLED I was at that). We chatted like friends. He told me about his weekend and the rest of his week. That he got bit by a ton of fire ants on the golf course, then bit by something that he had to go to the ER for. How he was doing a mini triathlon or marathon or something on Saturday, then some crazy long ass bike ride on Sunday.
I told him about the 80s ski party (totally click that link and see how much fun Nat and I had for a great charity!!!!) that Nat and I went to, told him about my hair. Doing yoga in City Park with 2000 other people. (My life seems so dull compared to his...). It wasn't a long conversation, but he did say that he was very glad to hear from me and he was giving me some time like I asked. I didn't bring up anything heavy, nor did I go into how much I missed him and how sorry I was that I was a brat that last Friday morning. I just said thank you and changed the subject and told him I was picking up lunch so I had to go, but I just wanted to say hello and it was nice to hear his voice. Then I said goodbye. I heard him say "I miss you" as I was hanging the phone up and as much as I wanted to say "I MISS YOU TOO!!" I knew that it was just best to leave that remark untouched and just as it was.
Then I sent him my favorite picture from the 80s Ski Party,
To which he replied "You're too much!" and of course sent me into a huge questioning hunt to figure out if that was a good or bad thing (with myself of course...well and friends opinions...). It was good to hear his voice. He made me promise in our call that I would at least go up to the mountains once or twice to snowboard with him. Of course I said yes, well see if it actually happens.

Lets see what happens Tuesday and Wednesday night. Lets hope I dont' mess up names. And I'm not exactly one that's got a lot of experience in the dating world. I go from relationship to relationship...so if anyone has some good advice for me, bring it on. Suggestions would be really helpful. I get nervous on dates and I stick my foot in my mouth a lot. I'm not a good "dater"... Now the big question...WHAT the hell do I wear!??!!?
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