Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Friend Break Up

The friend break up.  We've all had them.  They're no different than breaking up with a girlfriend or boyfriend I suppose.  In some ways they are much more painful. 

Today a very good friend of mine sent me an email explaining that I am, (in her opinion) still making very poor choices when it comes to my life and that we are in different places in our lives and that she doesn't wish me any harm or anything bad, but she doesn't want to be friends.  She didn't come right out and say that exactly, but the entire email basically stated it.  It also stated that who she is friends with shouldn't upset me because of mutual friends, she will be hanging out with and or seeing my last two exes.  The Douche Nozzle and GC.
UH.  Ooookayyyy.

Of course the email bothered me.  I'm not exactly sure as to what bad choices I'm still making - unless she is of course referring to photos of pizza and beer posted on my facebook wall...or maybe its  the amount of time I spend on Facebook?  Or maybe its the pictures that - well, no because I block her from all pictures I post and that are tagged of me unless its something that she was involved in.  Maybe its because I do too many happy hours?  Whatever it is - I'm sure she has her reasons.  And she is right.  I am sometimes an exhausting friend.  However, I have not been going out until 2 am every night and getting absolutely shit faced.  I did not run to Las Vegas and go crazy after GC and I broke up.  I haven't gone out and tried to replace GC with someone just to get over him (now - CB was a rebound but COMPLETELY NOT INTENTIONAL!!!)  Maybe she found my blog and doesn't like me air-ing my life out here like this.  Not sure.

I'm now at a whatever stage with this.  I wrote her a nice email back and said I was sorry for not being able to be more of a friend that she needs and that I will always be a phone call away should she need anything. 

No response.  I didn't really expect one.  Not sure why she's keeping herself as a Facebook friend of mine since she feels I make poor life choices...

I admit.  I haven't been the greatest friend to a lot of people lately...I've been self centered and pretty much focused on the people who are around me most...I hurt a very good friend while GC and I were together by not participating in anything for her wedding.  It took her a very long time to forgive me, but she did.  I point blank told her I knew I was being an asshole of a friend and I just couldn't be happy for her at that point in time.  I couldn't do wedding things with her.  I was in such a black hole in my life at that point.  Its been a slow process in getting back into each others lives, but were trying. 

Anyway...comments, opinions??? Has anyone had the same thing happen to them?  Has anyone had to cut a friend of about a decade or more out because they we're just "too exhausting" and or you two were just "in different places"?

I'd really like to hear from you all...I know you're out there!!  I see you all reading what I'm writing so you must have SOME kind of opinion!!!  :-)


1 comment:

  1. I have broken up with many friends in my life and here's my take on it-
    I feel some people are put in your life to help get you through to the next stage in life. My friend brandi was there for me when I was single and lonely living in Birmingham. We had great nights out together and continued our friendship when I moved. Hell we even went to costa rica together. Then I got engaged and she became an absent friend. Not supportive at all. Dropped out of my wedding a month before. Of course I had to cut her out. But here's the thing she and I were friends and then my life changed and she couldn't change with it.
    Some friends aren't meant to be there for you forever and you must accept and move on. If you cling to a dead end friendship you could be missing an opportunity to make an even better suited friend out there. People grow up and apart and that's just life. :)
